--Content of the package:
--Elvis Presley - Paternity Suit

For the very first time "Praytome Publishing" releases a DVD / Book combo-package.

The realization - the product:

The book:

A 100 pages, colored hardcover book with the exactly same unique high quality paper, which was called the best paper for books when "Elvis - Born To Rock" was released. Approved by the fans, the same printing method and the same kind of paper were used for the book "Elvis - Behind The Image Vol. 2".
For "Elvis Presley - Paternity Suit" the print has again the same quality standard like the "National Geographic" magazines do. The cleaning and restoration of the pictures was done by a professional graphic artist. Due to the graphic artist mainly restores old pictures, the results are in the best quality you can possibly get. Just as the other releases, this book will get a protection glaze. This ensures that especially on pictures with dark areas, possible grease spots or finger prints don't remain on the pages. In that way you have even after several time of runnning over the pages, the impression of holding a completely new book in your hands.

"Complaint to establish paternity of unborn child and to provide support"
August 14, 1970
Superior Court Of The State of California
For The County Of Los Angeles

"Order Requiring Parties To Submit To Blood Tests"

Superior Court Of The State of California
For The County Of Los Angeles


Elvis and the Paternity Suit - hundreds of yellow press writers put Elvis
and the Paternity Suit on the front of tabloid and movie magazines

Hidden camera photos- Elvis Presley and his entourage
Patricia Parker and her son Peter Jason Presley arriving
at Brentwood Laboratories - where first test to establish
paternity were held
The DVD:
The DVD is not the usual, short "bonus DVD" with material, the fan already owns or the world doesn't need. It also is not the usual bonus, the producer adds, to get more money from the customer.

The included DVD contains a full-length feature documentary, which could have definitely been our next product by itself. With a running time of 95 minutes we are pleased to continue our self set standards and give the fans more than the typical release.

Our philosophy "get more for your money" in terms of quality and content has proved right in the past and was thankfully accepted by the fans. So "Praytome Publishing" decided to do it just that way again.

On the DVD there is ultra rare footage -
for example you see here Elvis' suite
at the Las Vegas Hilton Hotel,
where according to Patricia Parker,
the child was conceived

Well-known attorney Paul Caruso from Hollywood
and Patricia Parker in his office during the official press conference

The book and the DVD perfectly fit together and complement one another. Because of the high quality illustrations, and official documents and court records, the reader can dig
even deeper and explore the documented facts of the case.

Jason Peter Presley's birth certificate, the Hollywood Presbyterian
Hospital and Patricia Parker with her son

Trailer - "Paternity Suit" and other products of "Praytome Publishing"

The trailers all give an insight into the other products. They shall not only entertain but also top the DVD off. Because the producers have to act on the assumption that there are costumers, who explore the Praytome Publishing products for the first time, it is appropriate to put all available trailers on the DVD. The trailer, which are very popular are not only giving a little insight into other products, but they shall also be fun watching. And of course, the trailer for "Elvis Presley - Paternity Suit" is on this DVD as well.

Backstage before his evening performance at the Inglewood Forum in Los Angeles
moments before the concert began, Elvis was visited in an official capacity by a
court official regarding the Paternity suit and pending court hearings.

Elvis' friend and private investigator John O' Grady
plays an important role in the Paternity Suit Investigation

On stage, Elvis recites his book and loaded with
emotions he tells the audience about his own point
of view of the Paternity Suit.

A Comment on the Soundtrack:

This product is a documentary and not a concert movie. It is about backgrounds and facts where Elvis Presley's music is not the main issue. Who is looking for something like that for entertainment is surely better off with the DVD releases "Aloha From Hawaii" or "Elvis - The '68 Comeback Special". However "Praytome Publishing" has spared no efforts to produce a first-class soundtrack. According to viewers at the first screening, the music emphasizes the moods within the documentary and gives the viewers goose bumps..

the famous polaroid of
Patricia Parker & Elvis Presley

Content of the package:
Elvis Presley - Paternity Suit